Who is Dr. Joe Beam?
An internationally known and respected sexologist and authority on love, marriage and sex. He received his PhD from the University of Sydney. He is the founder and chair of Marriage Helper based in Tennessee, just south of Nashville.
He has designed and developed courses, workshops and seminars to help troubled marriages for over two decades. He has been seen on nationwide media and spoken to countless couples through live seminars, dedicated radio programs and books. Joe is a regular contributor on KeepTheFaith, America's #1 family-friendly radio program heard on some 300 radio stations. Today he dedicates most of his time to researching and developing new ways to help couples in crisis. Old ways don’t always work in today’s human environment. You’ll agree that times have changed since your parents were married and your issues are not the same. Our approach to bringing back the passion and energy in a marriage is dynamic and effective.
Saving marriages is not an occupation for Dr. Beam. It is a mission – a mission that has consumed his heart for decades. “My original goal was to reduce divorce in this country by ten percent over a ten-year period,” explains Beam. “I came to realize that we couldn’t do this by only helping marriages in trouble. We had to educate couples to change the way they live so their marriage could be all it could be.” This type of broader thinking and the methodology used to deliver the message is having a huge impact on families today. By reaching beyond the mind and into the heart and soul of men and women, love finds new ways to allow couples to communicate and create a relationship that is aware but not conducive to divorce.
Seeing the results of his mission in multiplied thousands has not only strengthened Joe’s resolve but added even more momentum to the mission. Today, the popular idea that divorce is a fact of life is being challenged vigorously. Saving marriages is not a job, it’s an all-consuming passion and every marriage saved is a testimony that the mission can be accomplished.
Dr. Beam is the author of numerous books including the free e-book you get when you sign up for the Save My Marriage mini course titled "21 Irresistible Recipes for Couples."